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Open and Undefined Centers

Open and Undefined Centers

Open and undefined centers reveal where we are the most sensitive to others’ energy. They present the greatest lessons we are here to learn while also serving as the well of our greatest potential wisdom.

By the end of this class, you will know how to move from the shadow to the wisdom of each undefined center, how to market and attract attention using undefined centers, and how to support and guide others through their undefined centers.

What you’ll learn
  • What each center means
  • The different types of centers
  • The potential challenges of each undefined center
  • The wisdom each undefined center holds
  • Practical tools to align with each undefined center
  • The hierarchy of undefined centers
  • How each undefined center can play out at work, in relationships, and with children
  • How to use each undefined center to market effectively
  • How to support those with each undefined center
  • What the difference is between undefined and defined centers
  • What the difference is between open and undefined centers
  • What to look out for if a center is completely open
  • What the relationship is between one’s type and undefined centers
  • Tools those with each undefined center can use to reflect


Janisha Harie

"As someone with only 2 undefined centers, this class is pure gold."

Kristen Tookapic

"Such detailed and practical information about each of the undefined centers."

Kim Knievel

"The undefined centers class is amazing. I found myself nearly in tears."



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Otherwise, it will be ready in 7 days.